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  • Writer's picturegabriellavroom

A short story about The Chase

The Chase yawned and turned over. It was a few minutes before his alarm went off. He was too scared to look at the time., in case it was already time to get up. As soon as he fell back asleep: BEEP BEEP BEEEEP. The Chase was not a morning person, and the alarm sounded like ambulance siren hammering through his brain. He got out of bed. Although the Chase was not a morning person the Chase was a person of routine, and his routine was the same every day. He shuffled towards the bathroom and peered slowly into the mirror, blinking and trying to focus. His face slowly came into view. The Chase had an attractive face, and he spent a few more minutes admiring it in the mirror before reaching for his toothbrush and inserting it into his mouth. BRRR BRRR BRRRRRRR. His toothbrush mechanically cleaned his teeth for him. The Chase enjoyed it when you could substitute machinery for effort as the Chase was also a lazy person. Slightly more awake and with clean teeth the Chase made his way back into his room, so he could get dressed.

He had many clothes, but not a good taste in clothes and each day he would painstakingly put together a questionable outfit and then leave the house. Outside, the Chase got onto his Segway and off he went at 20km per hour (the maximum speed of the Segway PT). WOOSSSH WOOOSH WOOOOSH, as he picked up traction the wind made a wooshing sound (20km per hour can feel quite fast when you are travelling downhill). He turned into the park, the weather had suddenly shifted and his journey was far more populated than it had been for a long time. People were suddenly out everywhere and enjoying the weather. People scared the Chase. He did not make the best first impressions – probably because he insisted on using ‘the’ in front of his name. Because of this he usually tried to avoid people, and took a detour down a quieter road, a bridge crossing a lake in the park. This allowed him more time alone with his thoughts.

The Chase was a thinker. He was motoring along at 20km per hour, lost in thought when a squirrel scampered across his path. He did not see the squirrel and slowly motored right over him. Because he was on a Segway this was not deadly, but he did ride right over its tail. The squirrel, not happy, jumped up and scratched the Chase’s leg. The squirrel started to chase him, furious that his tail had been motored over by a Segway. Seeing this the Chase became scared, veered off course and went straight into the side of the bridge, toppling over and into the lake. The squirrel ran to the edge of the bridge and threw an acorn at him. It hit the Chase directly in the middle of his forehead. ‘This is what happens’, he thought, ‘when you go off course’.

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